Negotiated with the City to connect our community homes to the new sewer system at 50% discount to homeowners.
Worked with the City to bring about neighborhood flood controls. Devastating floods in the late 1970s damaged many homes in Magnesia Falls Cove. Construction of homes stalled and property values declined. In the early 80s, significant investment into the West flood channel infrastructure included a substantial flood reservoir and concrete spillway flanked by high berms. On the East side the channel was cleaned and widened to direct flood waters safely into the Whitewater River.
Encouraged the City of Rancho Mirage to construct curbs and gutters on Magnesia Falls Cove streets to improve flood protection and the esthetic quality of the neighborhood.
Installed and maintain three Magnesia Falls Cove signs on entry streets.
Negotiated with Coachella Valley Water District to allow neighborhood access route to Bump & Grind Trail.
Urged the City and other entities to design and construct a safe and attractive community sidewalk and bridge. This trail on Mirage Road now connects our neighborhood and Elementary School to the City Library.
Established emergency preparedness plans and procedures including purchasing three emergency radio/telephones which were monitored and maintained by RMCA members.
Developed long term working relationships with City Officials and Council members to advocate the interests, concerns and needs of the RMCA community.
Installed Neighborhood Watch signs and security throughout the neighborhood.
Negotiated with the City to construct a block wall on Sahara Road to block traffic noise and light, ensure greater security and provide a buffer between our neighborhood and commercial interests on Highway 111.
Ensured mosquito abatement policies are understood and enforced for swimming pools left vacant during the summer and other standing water that can breed mosquitos.
Worked with the City Planning Department to limit the height of the new Audi Building and to require shielding of their A/C units to reduce noise. Additionally, employees and clients are not allowed to park on Mirage or Sahara Road.
Limited the height of a proposed 45 foot tall building on Highway 111.
Opposed the City’s plan to discontinue trash pick-up service with Burrtec and encouraged the city to vote to continue with the much appreciated Burrtec service. Our community outpouring was so large the meeting had to be moved from City Hall to an Auditorium.
Provided the neighborhood with large containers to accept food donations for the 2021 FIND Food Bank Drive, the desert’s regional food bank. Many families in need were assisted by the neighborhood’s generosity.
In 2020, facilitated a “Meet the Candidate Forum” at the Hilton Garden Inn in Rancho Mirage. New candidates as well as incumbents were invited to participate.
Organized guided tours led by local experts in Tahquitz, Murray, Andreas and Palm Canyons.
Joined forces with Preservation Mirage and Modernism Week to make mid-century home tours available in Magnesia Falls Cove for the first time. Tours of seven mid-century homes provided examples of desert modern architecture from the 1940s through the 1960s. Over 80 neighborhood volunteers worked on this neighborhood event, delighting over 400 midcentury architecture enthusiasts from across the country. Funds were raised for three local non-profits.
Copyright © 2023 Magnesia Falls Cove Community Association- All Rights Reserved. * Webmaster, Photo Credits: Deborah Lazio